New Amber Pendants in Stock
Uses for Sea Salt
The Besom; a tool of cleansing and purification.
If it’s Ostara, that means the Spring Cleaning Sale is about to start!
Who and What is The Blessed Bee?
Grounding and Center: A Key to Effective Spellwork
It’s probably more accurate to call this Grounding, Centering your energy, and Protection, but that’s a mouthful. Focus is most important in spellwork. This meditation will help you sharpen your focus and direct your energy for more effective spellwork. It is also an excellent way to focus before starting any kind of project. I ground and center every morning to start my day off right. Use it when you need a little pick-me-up at work, and the cool part is that no one will even know you’re doing it. Practice it often until it just comes almost instantly and automatically. The more you practice, the faster and more effective it will be. The protection lasts as long as you believe it does. If you have any doubt, just ground and center again.